Cancer Prevention – Disease Treatment Alternative

Basically, cancer is in reference to cells that grow out of control and invade the tissues of the body, disrupting their normal functions and taking over and causing destruction. Since there had been many difficulties in their treatment, one promising direction medicine had taken is cancer prevention Denver. 

Based on results and some evidence, experts are of one mind that many forms of cancer can be prevented, or at the very least, the risk of the developing cancers can be markedly reduced. Some of the methods are simple while others are relatively extreme.


With its growth and invasion into other body tissues, cells become cancerous because of the accumulation of defects, or mutations in their DNA. Some of these are inherited genetic defects, infections, environmental factors (pollution is one) and defective lifestyle choices (smoking and alcohol use).

Normally, cells are able to detect and repair damage to their DNA. However, if the cell is severely damaged and cannot repair itself, it undergoes a programmed cell death. Cancer occurs when damaged cells grow, divide, and spread abnormally instead of self-destructing as they should.


In simple terms, the prevention of cancer is to avoid its potential causes. There are many ways of doing it in relation to the cancer they can trigger into their systems. The first of these is to stop (best is never to start) smoking tobacco.

The others include avoiding excessive exposure to sunlight (using sun screens is good) and avoiding exposure to dangerous named chemicals and other toxins are some very productive ways of not being exposed to cancer.

Another is avoiding contact with certain known viruses and other pathogens that are likely to cause cancer.

Cancer causing agents

For people who need to work close to cancer-causing agents has to follow all safety precautions to minimize exposure to them. These include X-ray technicians, chemical workers, ionizing radiation researchers, asbestos workers.

The FDA (food and drug administration) and CDC (cancer center) suggest that there is no scientific evidence to cause cancer with cell phones, it is best to use ear pieces or limiting your phone calls as much as possible.


To date, two vaccines are approved by the US FDA to prevent certain cancer types. There is a vaccine against hepatitis B virus which has been considered to cause some liver cancers.

Another vaccine had been developed against the human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16 and 18, considered to cause cervical cancer and those in the head and neck. This is recommended to teenagers and young adults.

Another vaccine approved by FDA helps treat advance prostate cancer. It does not cure prostate cancer but it had been shown to help extend the lifespan of individuals with advanced prostate cancer.


The individuals with genetic predisposition in developing certain cancer may not be able to change their genetic makeup. However, some have a high possibility of developing genetically-linked cancer have taken actions against the disease.

A very famous actress had both of her breasts removed to preclude her dying early, thinking that her mother had died early with the same disease. This is one drastic action but it does help in cancer prevention Denver.


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